The Public Health Surveillance and Information management was created and approved in September 2020, incorporating the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy in line with the One Health approach.

The department is inclusive of 5 arms: Integrated Disease Surveillance, Public Health information management, Coordination of Public Health program surveillance, Coordination of Public Health program Information Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation. These 5 arms come together to significantly contribute to a national communicable disease surveillance and response system.

In accordance with the International Health Regulation (IHR) 2005, Botswana like all member states has abided to ensuring capacities in detection, reporting and response of public health events. The Public Health Surveillance and Information management department will coordinate all activities and efforts into strengthening surveillance by enhancing detection and reporting all public health issues in the country, with the aim to monitor trends and inform response structures in the case of an emergency or outbreak.


  1. To develop an integrated and comprehensive public health surveillance system to monitor health status and health programs, prevent, detect, and respond to public health emergencies
  2. Improve the availability, quality and use of health indicators through measurement, monitoring and analysis of changes in health status
  3. Use the data collected for efficient and effective program planning, to provide early warning of public health threats, and to advance towards improved health outcomes

Functions of the public health disease surveillance and information management division

The public health disease surveillance and information management shall

    1. identify and prioritize diseases of public health importance, epidemic-prone diseases, and health hazards.
    2. develop an integrated public health surveillance system in coordination with Ministries and other stakeholders
    3. utilize laboratory-generated data in tandem with epidemiological analyses and surveillance data to develop the capacity to progress from syndromic surveillance to laboratory-based diseases surveillance
    4. establish a repository of information concerning disease surveillance, public health security, and management of public health emergencies, as prescribed
    5. collect information on aspects of public health security, disease surveillance, and management of public health emergencies
    6. oversee the dissemination of data and information to members of the public on promotive, preventive, and curative measures
    7. establish and implement a national and subnational digitalized automated surveillance recording and reporting system
    8. establish and implement an early warning and response mechanism (EWAR)
    9. Enhance Cross Border Collaboration

The Public Health Laboratory Services (PHLS) department is made up of 5 arms: Laboratory Information Generation, Networking, Coordination of laboratories for emergency preparedness and response, support for operational research, and Laboratory services for public health. The PHLS shall provide essential laboratory services and leadership in the support and strengthening of public health programs. The main aim is to provide early detection and diagnosis of diseases and outbreaks as well as monitor and provide evidence-based data for early treatment and prevention of diseases as per the IHR (2005). PHLS shall play a leadership role in the implementation of the One Health Approach by establishing linkages with other relevant laboratories.

The PHLS services are delivered through a network of multi-sectoral laboratories that include National Veterinary Laboratory, Plant Health Laboratory, National Food Control Laboratory, National Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Water Utilities Laboratories, National Environmental Laboratory, State-owned Laboratories, routine diagnostic health laboratory services to enhance investigation, surveillance, and research work with the infusion of Quality Management Principles/Standards. In addition to local laboratories, regional and international laboratories are engaged as and when there is need.


  1. To establish laboratory capacity for routine surveillance and response to public health emergencies through strengthening capacity, making better use of existing resources, and creating surge capacity by forming laboratory networks
  2. To improve the availability, quality, and use of laboratory data for evidence-based decision making and planning to provide quality, coordinated, and efficient support for public health services including routine surveillance and epidemiologic investigations

Functions of Public Health Laboratory Services

The Core functions of the NPHL under Botswana Public Health Institute (BPHI) include the following:

  • To provide and coordinate a comprehensive range of specialized public health laboratory testing services:
  • To establish collaborations and linkages with other stakeholders to achieve One health approach in clinical, environmental, plant and zoonotic health as well as food safety.
  • To provide laboratory services for public health emergency preparedness and
  • response
  • To establish and maintain capacity to handle and identify agents of biorisk (biosafety and biosecurity).
  • To establish laboratory-based disease surveillance, epidemiology, prevention,
  • and control programs.
  • To support an integrated system for specimen and data management.
  • To provide oversight and technical leadership in the implementation of Quality Assurance in laboratories performing public Health functions.
  • To conduct public health related research and development.
  • To contribute to development of health policies and standards.


To develop and implement a fully functional public health emergency management program that is prepared for and will respond to emergencies of public health importance in order to reduce the human causality (morbidity, mortality and disability) impact of any accidents through increasing resiliency and minimizing risk and exposure. BPHI shall identify and prioritise hazards, risk, epidemic-prone and publicly important diseases and conditions into disease surveillance systems.

Policy Statements:

  1. Develop a mechanism to prepare, respond, and rehabilitate public health systems for all public health emergencies.
  2. Define and organize public health Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) and Incident Command Centers (ICC).
  3. Work with community leadership, partners, and relevant stakeholders in emergency management planning.
  4. Build DHMT capacity to manage public health emergencies
    1. BPHI shall build DHMT capacity to manage surveillance and respond to epidemics and any other public health emergencies and include provisions in planning that take care of responders
    2. Strengthen the data management system for use during public health emergencies.


Prevention includes actions taken to stop an emergency or disaster from occurring

Prevention strategies and activities include the following:

  • Hazard-specific control programs (in conjunction with MoH)
  • Vaccination programs
  • Legislative and Regulatory Controls
  • Early warning systems
  • Public education and training
  • Hazardous material safety initiatives
  • Port Health Services

The purpose of research and development pillar is to promote and support a fully functioning, competent, well- resourced research system that will address priority health problems and events and will guide policy based on evidence from public Health Research. It oversees the public health research activities in Botswana to reduce and avoid duplication as much as possible. Its functions are:

  1. Create and maintain a registry of research nationally and coordinate with relevant local and international public health organizations.
  2. Develop and build technical and human capacity for a public health research program.
  3. Establish a partnership and collaborate with the National Health Research Council. BPHI shall help develop the National Health Research Agenda, in collaboration with the National Health Research Council, to guide the prioritisation of research topics.
  4. Collaborate with multiple partners on public health research.
  5. Conduct priority health research agenda.

Public health workforce development..